When is it too much?
For those of you who consider yourselves part of the "Debt Free Community", do you talk about finances a lot? What about those of you who are struggling and don't know how to fix it, how much would you say you think about your finances? As you get closer and closer to your financial goals, do you find yourself thinking about them more or less? At what point does focus become obsession? At what point is obsession a negative thing? Is it ever a negative thing? Grant Cardone is currently promoting his latest book, Be Obsessed or Be Average. Are those the only options? I would rather be obsessed than be average if so, right? Pretty much everyone else I know considers obsession to be going overboard. In fact, my dad told me that obsessing over these details can actually suffocate my ability to receive financial freedom. "Finances are like [...]
No less than 1/10th of all you earn is yours to keep
This is the statement that changed the game for my finances. It really isn’t that hard to understand, yet somehow I was 24 before it ever crossed my mind. When I read it, I didn’t know it would become my #1 favorite finance book of all time, The Richest Man in Babylon. Welcome to January’s book of the month review! This is one of the oldest and most trusted financial books that has withstood the test of time over the 91 years since it was first written. It is a relatively short book (can be read in a day) and yet holds such profound wisdom. If one chooses to learn and implement the most simple of tactics (you’ll really think it can’t possibly be that simple), it is sure to change your life. […]
How you do ONE thing, is how you do EVERYthing
How you do one thing is how you do everything. This statement is in the process of changing my life and my mindset. Over the last few years, I have become that person who cares about some things and half-asses some other things because they really “aren’t that important” to me. What I’ve come to realize though, is problems, whether in your business, or your finances, or really anywhere else, are not the problems. If you’re having money problems, it’s because YOU are having problems, not because of the numbers in your bank account. Once I realized that, my life started to change. […]
New Year, Same Me – Sorta
It is the end of the year! Woo Hoo! After a long and grueling 2016, I think it's safe to say that nearly everyone is waiting for the ball to drop. Along with this excitement comes a desire to start fresh in the new year. People make resolutions, start new projects and are ready to make changes.
So It Begins
Hey there stranger fellow badass. You’re probably wondering who is this babe? What makes her a badass? Why does she love budgets so much? What kind of girl loves six inch heels and spreadsheets on the same level? These are all excellent questions and you’re in the right place for answers. Maybe not on this page, but at some point, I’m sure an answer will come up. So where do I start? Let’s try… […]
Hey there I’m Ary,
The sassy spreadsheet lover behind Badass Budget Babe.
I transform online coaches & consultants into badass business owners
by combining woo woo money manifestation with real, practical money
management techniques so they can make more profit,
create real wealth,and live life on THEIR terms.
Now go, be badass.
wanna make sure you don’t run out of money this month?
Get your 5 steps to having making more money, saving more money and living better!
Get all the details on how to make sure you have money left over at the end of EVERY MONTH! Never be scared to look at your bank account again before the month is up.