Heal your relationship with money, learn how to manage your business like a boss & show up as woman you *already* are in 8 weeks.
You’re a coach. You’re a reader.
You’re a healer. You’re a witch.
You’re a mystic. You know who you are.
And in the masculine, hustle culture we’ve been raised in, you’ve been lied to over and over.
- You’ve been told that you should consider impact, not income.
- You’ve been told a lack of money (or a hell of a lot of money) is attached to shame.
- You’ve been told “money isn’t important”
- You’ve been told you have to hustle to make money
- You’ve been told money is only for masculine fields.
- You’ve been told you can’t actually do this.
All lies that don’t serve you.
But you already know this, don’t you.
That’s why you started your business to begin with. But for some reason, the money still doesn’t feel good.
There’s somehow “not enough”, no matter how many affirmations you do. You still believe you’re just “not a numbers person”. You still have no certainty when you make goals & projections every month.
So what do you do?
You buy yet another business course because maybe it’s just your marketing…..sales….pricing…..offer…..whatever…. that’s the issue, right? As if *this* will finally be the course you take that will give you that thing you’re missing. *This* is going to be the program that has the secret strategy to you making more money
You know how I know all this? Because I’ve seen it. I’ve been in the back-end of businesses making $5k per month and those making $500k. And what I know is that more business strategy alone isn’t the answer.
And neither is more energetic alignment meditations or reiki healing.
The answer lies in YOUR ability to trust YOURSELF with more money. Your ability to feel safe with extra 0’s in your bank account. Your ability to not just heal limiting beliefs, but to also calm your sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system (and if you’re thinking, “my what???” don’t worry, we’ll break it all down together).
See, you have no problem getting powerful, world changing transformations with your clients. But if we peeled back the curtain on your own bank balance? Yea, I hear you.
The good news?
You’re not far away. You are already a powerful creator in your own right. You have built a business based on your spiritual gifts.
Do you realize how mind blowing that is?
You have gifts that 99% of people are too blind to see for themselves. And not only do you know how to use them, you’ve created an entire company, something that has NEVER existed before, based on helping people with those gifts.
If that’s not magic, I don’t know what else is.
When you really think about how mind-blowing this is, there should be no question about how your impact should show up in your own bank account.
And that’s where I step in with the
T his is an 8 week group program designed to marry the feminine flow and witchy creation of stepping into who you are, with the masculine, supportive structure of managing your money like a powerful CEO of a multi-million dollar business.
Together, we’ll be stepping into a sisterhood of women who are ready to heal their money stories and learn to use money management tools to fully show up as an abundant queen. You’ll be taught my exact strategies and methods that I use to help my multiple 7-figure accounting clients to understand their numbers and support every scaling decision they make, without hustle or burnout.
That’s right, this is not just another money mindset program. We’re going to make sure you can walk into your CPA’s office next year without getting the “what exactly do you do?” side eye.
Your numbers will clearly speak for themselves. And you’ll feel DAMN good about it.
So here’s how it all breaks down:
PHASE ONE – Decisions, desires & design
PHASE TWO – Strategy & Support
PHASE THREE – Destroy the rest
8 weekly group calls to walk you through the exact transformative process to step into your most abundant self.
2, 60 minute 1:1 calls with me
Unlimited Tues-Thurs Voxer support
Access to easy, plug & play money systems & templates.
A strategy vault with my top tips, tricks & strategies to model your business finances after the 7-figure business owners (which you’re about to become).
Full access to my team, to help customize our systems to work for you and help you with any and all money questions you might have.
Guest experts to help you step into the spiritual queen you were created to be
- Stacia Ashe – transformational coach
- Makhosi Nejeser – The Royal Shaman
- Kristin Dawn – Group hypnosis experience
- Human Design Experts & More!
All of these experts and tools are here to help you reclaim your own power when it comes to your money. To support you in making CEO level decisions and staying in integrity with your business and your purpose.
When you leave this program, you’ll have crystal clear bookkeeping and analysis systems in place. You’ll never again ask how much you “should” spend on any given purchase. You’ll know how to project your numbers in advance. You’ll have a profitable company by focusing on your margins (yes, the real nitty gritty of money)
You’ll also have a clear picture of your richest life and the support to actually receive it. You’ll have healed your deepest money wounds and come to a place of love an understanding with money.
Now some people have asked why I’ve chosen a group format (cus talking about your money in a group is supposed to be embarrassing, right?).
Well, after years of sisterhood wounds (hello mean girls trying to jump me in middle school), I took HUGE leaps to heal my heart and find my people. So this is what I’ve learned and why I’ve designed this as a group.
There is nothing more powerful than a woman being seen in her full truth. There is nothing more potent for crushing stigmas and limiting beliefs than being in community. There is nothing more magical than releasing yourself from shame and guilt in the presence of a woman who wants nothing but the best for you.
The group format is designed to get straight to the heart of your money wounds so they can heal at a rapid speed. So you can be supported. So you can grow your own circle of influence. So we can straighten each others’ crowns and make bank.

Speaking of sisters, I should probably introduce myself.
I’m Ary, Badass Budget Babe & Money Queen to the witchy online coaches of the world.
I’ve spent the last 10 years studying money and business and how to use cash to help solve problems.
My problem is that I spent the first 7 of those years heavily focused on masculine strategy. Working 80 hours a week. Striving for the next certification that would make me worthy of being hired. Struggling to show people that I was “smart and professional”.
And I spent most of those years broke AF too.
Hiding behind certifications & degrees for proof but knowing that if anyone ever found out, they would never trust me again. Shit, I didn’t even trust myself with money so why should they.
Once I discovered the power of energetics, it all started to come together. I understood how alignment, nervous system regulation and strategy mixed together to create magic.
I was able to alchemize all the financial struggle and pain I’d experienced into the medicine needed by so many others.
Now I’m on a mission to make sure badass, life-changing women know how to create money systems and structure from a place of feminine flow so we can raise the collective together (and live a really rich life).
Think about it. If you really had your finances together, what would life look like for you?
Would you:
- Confidently invest in training & coaching, knowing your spending is aligned with your values & supported in cash.
- Know how to play the game of money like the rich do, so you can win the game on behalf of the collective.
- Reach a larger audience, making a bigger impact.
- Have enough funds for the deeper levels of embodiment you want to experience and the ability to reflect your inner world here in the 3D?
- Have the ability to hire support in your business, not just to grow your bottom line but to create prosperity for an even bigger circle of people.
- Have the ability to take care of your own health, physical & mental wellbeing.
Here’s one caveat though: I’m not going to save you from the mistakes you’ve made or the fears you have. Honestly, nobody is.
That’s your job.
You are simultaneously the victim, the villain, AND the hero in this story.
I’m just here to guide you through your journey.
So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to free yourself?
Do you have further questions?